POHL Systems

Form follows function

All POHL systems are back ventilated rainscreen facades. For good reason: ventilated curtain walls easily meet all the complex requirements of modern building projects.

Metals such as aluminum, stainless steel and brass provide the cladding material for all our systems, giving you a rainscreen system with maximum energy efficiency, great freedom of design and a long service life.

Which characteristics are you looking for?

POHL Employee at the workbench

pohl 360° Service

Architecture, facade construction and sustainability - a complex building project must combine all these aspects. Often the priorities of the different stakeholders drift apart. We offer you the technical expertise right from the start to coordinate all their different interests. 

The POHL 360° service is an unbeatable strategy for realizing great architecture.


Are you interested in a product, do you need advice or would you like to receive a quotation? Click on "Contact us now" for a quick response.